Cátedra UNESCO de Bioética



OBD integrating ethics from the start

El Observatori de Bioètica i Dret (OBD) ha participado aportando el ejemplo del Proyecto ALFA de integración de la Bioética en diferentes grados, dirigido por la Dra. María Casado, en el grupo LERU Horizon 2020: integrating ethics from the start, Agenda for Ethics’ Research in Horizon 2020.

At the initiative of Franck Meijboom and Marcus Düwell, both ethics researchers at Utrecht University, LERU ethics’ scientists met last autumn to discuss the position and role of ethics in Horizon 2020. They agreed to write a statement and annex on the ‘Agenda for Ethics’ Research in H2020’. These documents elaborate further on the LERU advice paper ‘Social Sciences and Humanities: essential fields for European research and in Horizon 2020’, published in June 2012. In the paper ethics is presented as an essential discipline to deal with the normative dimensions of the themes and topics mentioned in Horizon 2020. The claim that ethics is essential to foster responsible research and innovation is further elaborated in this statement and ideas are presented on how this can be operationalized. In the Annex, specific ethical questions related to the themes of Horizon 2020 are presented with best practice examples in ethics research with a multidisciplinary character.

Please click here to download or view the statement or annex.