Cátedra UNESCO de Bioética



"India’s COVID-19 crisis: a call for international action"

The Lancet

India’s current COVID-19 surge is an unprecedented public health  crisis.  With  exponential  growth  in  the  number  of  daily  COVID-19  cases  since  March,  2021,  India  reported  more  than400000  new  cases  daily  on  May  1,  2021.1This  number  is  likely  to  be  an  underestimate  of  the  true  burden   of   COVID-19   cases,   given   reports   of   backlogs   of  test  results,  poor  access  to  testing,  and  many  people  not  getting  tested  due  to  fear  and  stigma.2,3Without mitigation,  estimates  suggest  India  could  reach  more  than 1 million COVID-19 cases per day with over 1 million cumulative COVID-19 deaths by Aug 1, 2021.4