Cátedra UNESCO de Bioética



Libro "From Solidarity to the Market: The Human Body and Biotechnological Commerce"

The application of criteria that prioritize mercantile relations, not just for the economy but for society as a whole, delivers up areas that were previously cost-free and reserved for solidarity among people to the tyranny of the market. This is the case with the human body.

In this book, with a bioethical approach and from different perspectives, we attempt to unravel how it is possible for the principles of global justice and respect for rights to be continually declared valid, yet all the while the commercialization of the human body, its parts and its components is increasingly accepted.
Coordinadora: María Casado
Año de publicación: 2020
Editorial: Aranzadi (Thomson Reuters)
Páginas: 278
ISBN: 978-84-1345-434-4
Disponible en acceso abierto
También disponible en español


Esta obra se inscribe en el proyecto de investigación “CONBIOLAW.20. El Convenio de Oviedo cumple 20 años: propuestas para su adaptación a la nueva realidad social y científica” (DER2017-85174-P).