Cátedra UNESCO de Bioética



Curso 'Publishing in Bioethics'

Curso "Publishing in Bioethics", del 3 al 5 de octubre 2011, organizado por la Leuven Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven. Con la participación de Itziar de Lecuona.


Intensive course on research in the field of bioethics

Course coordinator: Pascal Borry

Publications are primarily a means of communicating scientific information to colleagues, but they are more than just that. Publications in peer reviewed journals are also used as proof of academic competence, as a crucial component in evaluation criteria for academic promotion and fundraising and they increase the prestige of research centres and universities. ‘Publish or perish’ has become a mantra in the academic world.

The objective of this course it to provide information and support in a coherent way for individuals interested in publishing in bioethics and the medical humanities. Many researchers are struggling to get their work published. This course aims to provide practical tools to get well planned research work published.

More specifically, the aims of this course are:

(1) To learn the different steps in the process from a research idea to the development of a research publication.

(2) To learn tips and tricks in writing research publications.

(3) To introduce participants to a variety of research methodologies used in bioethics.

(4) To introduce participants to publication ethics.

(5) To help participants develop their own research plan and publication.


- Programa