On 22nd February, a special delegation from the Government of Japan visitied the Bioethics and Law Observatory - UNESCO chair in Bioethics of the UB, led by the professor Maria Casado, located at the Barcelona Science Park, in order to know the current status of research with human embryos, with induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS) and the creation of chimeric embryos. The Japanese delegation was composed by Dr Kazuto Lato, from Osaka University, and member of the Bioethics Committee of the Council on Science and Technology Policy within the Cabinet Office of the Government of Japan, and Toshihiko Ogata and Kei Sato, deputy manager and consultant, respectively, of Mizuho Information & Research Institute.
Currently, Japan is drawing up its bioethical guidelines as a previous action to later establish a legal framework. The Bioethics and Law Observatory of the UB has been designated as a reference centre for Bioethics and, specially, for ethical and legal aspects of biomedical research. During the visit, Dr Maria Casado and Dr Itziar Lecuona discuss with the Japanese delegation some questions which are under consideration.