Itziar de Lecuona
Director of the Bioethics and Law Observatory at the University of Barcelona. PhD in Law and Master in Bioethics and Law of the University of Barcelona. Professor at the Medicine Department of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Barcelona. Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Barcelona. Co-director of the Master in Bioethics and Law of the University of Barcelona. Coordinator of the Consolidate Research Group “Bioethics, Law and Society: Interdisciplinary analysis of ethical, legal and social aspects of biomedicine, biotechnology and emerging technologies” (BIOELSi) (SGR 00353) of the Government of Catalonia. Principal investigator of the project “Unsolved boethical issues in the review of healthcare research and innovation based on artificial intelligence, genetic technologies and personal data” (BIOEVAINNOLAW), funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain. Research leader on the ethical aspects of two biomedical research projects of the European Union's Horizon 2020 Program: MICROB-PREDICT and DECISION. Director of the Bioethics and Law Journal of the University of Barcelona.
Fabiola Leyton
PhD in Philosophy and Master in Bioethics and Law of the University of Barcelona. Professor at the Faculty of Nursing of the University of Barcelona. Postdoctoral researcher at the Bioethics and Law Observatory. Editor of the Bioethics and Law Journal (Revista de Bioética y Derecho) of the University of Barcelona. Teacher of the Master in Bioethics and Law of the University of Barcelona.
Manuel Jesús López Baroni
PhD in Philosophy and PhD in Law. Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Pablo de Olavide University, Seville. Member of the Bioethics and Law Observatory of the University of Barcelona. Co-director of the Master in Bioethics and Law of the University of Barcelona.
Gemma Marfany
PhD in Biology from the University of Barcelona. Full Professor of Genetics at the University of Barcelona. Rector's Delegate for Science Dissemination. Director of the Research Group "Human Molecular Genetics" of the University of Barcelona. Teacher of the Master in Bioethics and Law of the University of Barcelona.
Josep Santaló
Professor of Cellular Biology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, specialized in reproduction. Teacher of the Master in Bioethics and Law of the University of Barcelona. Former President of the Biosecurity Commission and of the Ethics Committee on Animal and Human Experimentation of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Member of the Working Group for the study and ethical reflection on biomedical research of the Bioethics Committee of Catalonia (Ministry of Health, Government of Catalonia), and the Hinxton Group: An International Consortium on Stem Cells, Ethics and Law. Co-editor and Head of the journal Medicina Reproductiva y Embriología Clínica.