UB is the single Spanish university which appears among the 200 best worldwide universities on
Global Top 200, published by Nature Publishing Group
, one of the most influential journals on international academic publications. This global classification of research institutions puts the UB on 148th place. The ranking is led by Harvard University (United States); CSIC and the Institute of Photonic Sciences also appear on it, on 60th and 167th places, respectively.
According to Global Top 200, UB is among the 120 best worldwide universities (and among the 40 best European ones) on the classification by universities. The ranking is based on the Nature Publishing Index (NPI), which tracks the number and affiliations of primary research articles published in eighteen Nature-branded journals in 2012 in the following subject areas: Chemistry, Life Sciences, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Physics.
The results by areas show that Spain is one of the countries on the Top 10 in Physics. Regarding journals, Spain is on the Top 10 of contributors to Nature Communications, Nature Genetics, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Materials, Nature Photonics, Nature Medicine, Nature Physics and Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. Globally, Spain is on the 11th place on the Global Top 100, which shows the best countries according to the Nature Publishing Index.
The classification confirms United States' leadership. It also highlights the rapid rise of the People's Republic of China, which has nine institutions in the Top 200. Other well internationally positioned countries are Ireland, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Kenya.
Nature Publishing Group is a division of Macmillan Publishers addressed to academic, professional, scientific and medical communities. The journal Nature, its most prestigious publication, was first published in 1869 in the United Kingdom, and in 2007 it was honoured with the Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities together with the journal Science.
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