The pre-registration period for the new edition of the Master in Bioethics and Law of the University of Barcelona (2022-2024) is open.
In addition, each year a series of face-to-face sessions of great value are organized and condensed into two weeks. These sessions take place at the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona between January and February and are of voluntary attendance.
This Master from the University of Barcelona is adapted to 120 ECTS credits (two academic years). The studies will allow you to obtain interdisciplinary training in the study of bioethical issues, forming a framework of reflection in respect for recognized human rights, and acquire solid training for the analysis and decision-making in situations of ethical conflict.
The new edition starts in October 2022 and the pre-registration period is now open. You can check all the required documentation at this link.
In the following two videos, you can hear the experiences and opinions of various students of the Master in Bioethics and Law: with very different professional backgrounds. They explain the importance of studying bioethics, the professional opportunities it offers, and some of the topics covered during the course, etc.