UNESCO Chair in Bioethics


  • Bioethics and Law Observatory
  • UNESCO Chair in Bioethics
  • University of Barcelona
  • Faculty of Law
  • Ave. Diagonal, 684
  • 08034 Barcelona
  • (+34) 93 403 45 46
  • obd.ub@ub.edu
  • Master in Bioethics and Law
  • (+34) 93 403 45 46
  • master.bd@ub.edu


Joint Workshop Seminar Faculty of Law UB / Centre for Information and Innovation Law of University of Copenhagen. Barcelona

Faculty of Law of the Universitat de Barcelona / Centre for Information and Innovation Law of University of Copenhagen

Promoted by Department of International Law and Economics (DER2012-36793).
Thursday 26th September 2013
Seminar nº 2 (Main Building)

10 h. Welcome and first part of the Workshop
-  “Research activity at the Faculty of Law of the Universitat de Barcelona”, by Dra. Monica Navarro-Michel (Deputy Dean of the Faculty).
-  “The Centre for Information and Innovation Law of University of Copenhagen”, by prof. Henrik Udsen (Director of the Centre).

10.45 h. Coffee Break

11.15 h. Second part of the Workshop
- “Health, Food, Life Sciences and International Law”, by Dr. Xavier Pons (Department of International Law and Economics).
- “Biobanks”, by prof. Jens Schovsbo (Centre for Information and Innovation Law).
- “Research on the ethical, legal and social aspects of biobanks at the Bioethics and Law Observatory-UNESCO Chair in Bioethics at the UB”, by Dra. Itziar Lecuona (Bioethics and Law Observatory of the Universitat de Barcelona)
- “User Generated Law”, by prof. Thomas Riis (Centre for Information and Innovation Law).
- “The Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and benefit sharing”, by Dra. Mireia Martínez (Department of International Law and Economics).

13.45 Closure