UNESCO Chair in Bioethics


  • Bioethics and Law Observatory
  • UNESCO Chair in Bioethics
  • University of Barcelona
  • Faculty of Law
  • Ave. Diagonal, 684
  • 08034 Barcelona
  • (+34) 93 403 45 46
  • obd.ub@ub.edu
  • Master in Bioethics and Law
  • (+34) 93 403 45 46
  • master.bd@ub.edu


Call for papers on Bioethics and Intensive Care Medicine, issue 48 Revista de Bioética y Derecho


Revista de Bioética y Derecho, in collaboration with Dr. Lluis Cabré, professor of the Master in Bioethics and Law, announces this call for papers for a monographic issue on Bioethics and Intensive Care Medicine.

Intensive care medicine has been practiced in Spain for more than 50 years. Since the birth of the first Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Denmark after the polio epidemic in the 1950s, few countries have developed intensive care medicine as a medical specialty. It is important to reflect on it because it entails multiple problems not only technical and scientific but also moral. Therefore, in order to deepen these aspects, we open the call for collaborations related to the following topics:

  • Advanced Directives and Informed Consent in Intensive Care Medicine
  • Information and communication
  • Limitation of Life Support. Palliative Care. End of life
  • New aspects of Brain Death. Donation in controlled asystole
  • Safety and  adverse effects in ICU
  • Non-oncological terminal patients. Admission, or not, to ICU
  • Teaching Intensive Care Medicine. Bioethical aspects
  • Humanization and professionalism in Intensive Care Medicine
  • Professional burnout and overlap syndrome (moral suffering, compassion fatigue, care perceived as inappropriate)
  • Clinical research in Intensive Care. Mechanical ventilation. Sepsis.
  • Big Data and ICT in ICU

The journal will accept only original papers written in Spanish, Catalan, French, English, Portuguese or Italian, with a maximum length of 6,000 words, including references, bibliography, tables and graphics. The file must be sent in MS Word format, letter Cambria or Arial 12, double-spaced. Originals must be sent through this link. Original articles will be peer-reviewed and those that pass the selection process will be accepted for publication.

  • Deadline for submissions: 5th September 2019

Revista de Bioética y Derecho is a quarterly publication of the Bioethics and Law Observatory - UNESCO Chair in Bioethics of the University of Barcelona. It is addressed to people interested in bioethics applied to health, food and new technologies, within the framework of respect for Human Rights, and with a plural, secular, and interdisciplinary approach. Our Journal is indexed in SciELO, Erih Plus, IBECS, Carhus +, Redalyc, Latindex Catalogue, DOAJ, among other indexes and repositories of recognized quality.