Màster en Alimentació, Ètica i Dret

Càtedra UNESCO de Bioètica


  • Observatori de Bioètica i Dret
  • Càtedra UNESCO de Bioètica
  • Universitat de Barcelona
  • Facultat de Dret
  • Avinguda Diagonal, 684
  • 08034 Barcelona
  • Tel. (+34) 93 403 45 46
  • Màster en Bioètica i Dret
  • Tel. (+34) 93 403 45 46


"The fate of medicine in the time of AI"

The Lancet

What does it mean to be a doctor? Is it still medicine we practise when a machine knows better than us our patient's diagnosis, treatment, or fate? Would the hand we hold at the bedside still be reassured by our words and care? It remains hard to predict when artificial intelligence (AI) will become so powerful that it outreasons human beings.