Màster en Alimentació, Ètica i Dret

Càtedra UNESCO de Bioètica


  • Observatori de Bioètica i Dret
  • Càtedra UNESCO de Bioètica
  • Universitat de Barcelona
  • Facultat de Dret
  • Avinguda Diagonal, 684
  • 08034 Barcelona
  • Tel. (+34) 93 403 45 46
  • Màster en Bioètica i Dret
  • Tel. (+34) 93 403 45 46


"EU food law needs to be fundamentally revised– EU Commission’s reform plans are insufficient"


foodwatch has called for a fundamental amendment of EU food law in order to better protect citizens from food scandals. The European Commission's reform proposal is completely inadequate. Recent cases, such as the scandal surrounding fipronil-tainted eggs, have shown, for example, that traceability along the food supply chain is not being consistently maintained.